Interbeing - An Entangled Portrait
Visitors to an art exhibition called Making Kin, were invited to “sit for a portrait” and converse with Emily about the concept of kinship. People also FaceTimed in from all over the world to have their portrait done while a conversation was had. The finished work is a record of these intertwined acts of kinship that took place over the course of the art show. At Navel in downtown Los Angeles.
Events - with in-person custom calligraphy and/or portraiture:
At The Social Type’s holiday party, custom gift tags and cards were made for the guests.
At The Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts season opening festival, guests were invited to sit for 10 minute live portraits.
Attendees to a TEDx women’s empowerment summit chose their own custom sayings or words to have written on their skin with water soluble ink.
Individual or Group, at Emily’s studio in Downtown Los Angeles or at your home, workplace, store, etc. Meeting in a public place like a library or cafe is also an option.